#DemandTransparency is documentation of the student organizing done to support the unionizing efforts of the Maryland Institute College of Art's adjunct faculty.

The MICA administration have taken the initiative to send intimidating emails to the faculty and staff to sway the vote of the adjunct faculty. MICA is an educational institution, created to serve the students. If the people directly facilitating our education aren’t being treated fairly we should not stand by idly. Paying tuition is not a transaction bound in silence, we have the right to demand transparency.

As one of the petition testimonials states,

" [ I support the adjunct union ] Because artists are generally undermined, undervalued, and underpaid in our society - if we cannot respect and treat artists fairly within art institutions, how can we expect to be respected and valued elsewhere?”

Timeline of Events

Support buttons begin to be distributed 3/29/14

Poster campaign begins on 4/2/14

Screen printed shirts of graphic logo are produced for free distribution on 4/6/14

Students organized to hand deliver petition and testimonials to President Fred Lazarus on 4/4/14

Follow up email and response sent on 4/7/14

Students seated at the 4/12/14 Student Voice Association meeting to present petition testimonials

Graduate students drop banners out of the North Ave studio center on 4/12/14